
Tantrum Observation


Have you tried taking our online class, Treating Toddler Tantrums?

So what is a temper tantrum?

A temper tantrum is an unplanned expression of anger or frustration, often with physical and verbal outbursts. During a temper tantrum, a child will typically cry, yell, stomp her feet, and flail her arms and legs. A tantrum usually lasts from 30 seconds to several minutes.

Temper tantrums are common in both boys and girls, and usually occur from ages 1-3 years. They can occur daily in some children, and infrequently in others. Whichever the case may be, temper tantrums are a normal part of development for children. Temper tantrums occur in about 80 percent of children between the ages of 1 and 4. About 20% of 2-year-olds and 10% of 4-year-olds have daily temper tantrums.

(Source: http://www.coastalkids.com/temper-tantrums-children-307.html)

Tantrum Observation

A really good way to learn about children is to create a journal/observation file on each child. If you notice that one particular child gets very cranky right before lunch, you will realize that hunger is causing his tantrum. You may start to realize a pattern in the morning…when a child is dropped off, she is frustrated and crying. Maybe she is having a tantrum because she is hungry (hasn’t eaten yet), tired (got up too early) or maybe she is feeling separation anxiety and doesn’t know how to express her feelings. Observing each child and noting when/why they are having a breakdown can be helpful in your reactions to their tantrums.

The Early Childhood Academy created a Tantrum Observation Form for your reference.  To download a Word or PDF Tantrum Observation Form, click an icon below:

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More about Treating Toddler Tantrums (which is also part of the Toddler Bundle)

Description: Temper tantrums are a normal part of the toddler years. Understanding why young children have tantrums can be helpful when learning techniques to prevent and treat the tantrums. This class will make participants aware of causes of toddler tantrums and offer suggestions to handle tantrums in child care.


As a result of this class, participants will be able to:

  • recognize causes of toddler tantrums
  • name ways to respond to different types of tantrums
  • define effective strategies for preventing tantrums
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