
Advertise on The Early Childhood Academy

Would you like to advertise on The Early Childhood Academy?  If you are looking for a way to connect to early childhood educators (child care providers, home child care owners, preschool teachers, infant and toddler teachers, etc.), there are a few opportunities.

Website Statistics

Average Monthly Page Views: 15,658
Average Monthly Unique Vistors: 6265
Average Time Spent on Site: 4 minutes, 32 seconds

Guest Post:

Provide a guest blog article on our website with a 300-word minimum.  Include up to 5 links.  Rate: $50 per post.

Post Title or Topic:
Your Company Name:

Sponsored Post:

We will write a review of your product and/or service with a link back to your website.  Rate: $150 per post.

Product or Service:
Your Company Name:

Sidebar Image:

Advertise your product or service on our right side bar with a 200×200 pixel image.

How many months?

Product or Service for the Ad:

Your Company Name:


Provide text links to your products, services, or other information.  (Existing non-sponsored posts and pages only).  We no longer do monthly links.  Rate: $35 for a permanent lifetime link.

Existing Page for Link:

Specific link placement details:

Advertising Policy

The Early Childhood Academy reserves the right to decline any type of advertising that is damaging to the brand of The Early Childhood Academy or is inappropriate to the content held on The Early Childhood Academy.  The Early Childhood Academy reserves the right to request revisions on Guest Posts.  Advertisements and editorial content must be clearly distinguishable. The Early Childhood Academy will not publish “advertorial” content, and sponsored supplements must be clearly indicated as such.  Guest and Sponsored Posts will include a disclosure that the post involves a paid sponsorship.  We do not sell any advertising inside of our classes or on our home page.  Payment must be received before advertising is placed on website.

For more information on advertising or to discuss other opportunities, email advertising@theearlychildhoodacademy.com


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