Prepare Young Children For Exams

Three Ways You Can Prepare Young Children For Exams

*Collaborative Post*

Although children who are in early years won’t be taking any formal sorts of exams it is still important to make sure that you are preparing them for doing homework or taking exams during their time at school. They won’t start sitting any sort of exams until they are around the age of six to ten and still, these are basic exams that shouldn’t add too much pressure. 

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Children will feel pressure even though it’s not there They discover that they’ve got a test to take and they start to feel a little bit nervous and anxious and not prepared Completely natural for children to feel like this after all if you were to sit down and take an exam you would feel the same. The best thing that we can do is to give them as much help as possible to practice. 

Let’s see how you can help your young children and get them ready for taking exams in the future: 

Do Activity Sheets 

Your children are used to doing work at home and learning extracurricular interests by doing activity sheets at home. Does it mean that you need to be doing boring pieces of work because that would just make your children not want to do them? All about making it fun exciting and enticing them to want to take part. A great way to do this is to think of themes such as the Easter bunnies for Easter time and activities around Christmas at Christmas time. Do handwriting and coloring word searches there are many different activity sheets that you can do that get your children to practice different skills.

Do Fun Practice Tests 

Even though your children won’t be taking any exams just yet. This doesn’t mean that you can’t get them to practice and be in a good routine when it comes to taking an exam. You could do little quizzes for them after you’ve been on a day out or you’ve gone to visit places like a castle for example. Or if they’ve been learning about something at school you could encourage them to write down some facts and you could ask them just some general questions. 

Ask Them Questions About Days Out

Put your young children into practice by thinking about what they have learned and being able to answer simple questions about them. At the end of the day this is what exams are it’s just about testing the knowledge that you have been given. You have been doing small tests like this with them you can start to do for the test such as an Accuplacer practice test.

Say there are many ways that you can help your young children to practice and prepare for future exams. Even though they’re not gonna be taking an exam just yet it does not mean that you cannot prepare them. These tips should help to get them ready and feel more confident when they take their first test. Do you know any other tips that could help? Please share some in the comments below. 

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