ice cream songs

Ice Cream Songs, Rhymes and Fingerplays

Songs, rhymes, and fingerplays are a great way to engage young children.  Here is a collection of ice cream songs and fingerplays that are easy to implement.  These ice cream songs, rhymes and fingerplays are great for summer time, especially during July (which is National Ice Cream Month).

Ice Cream Scoops
(Tune: This Old Man)

Ice cream scoops, number one
Chocolate’s best, so much fun
With a lick, lick, patty-whack
Give a dog a bone
I love ice cream in a cone!

Ice Cream Truck
(Tune: London Bridge)

Here comes the ice cream truck so sweet,
Truck so sweet, truck so sweet,
Here comes the ice cream truck so sweet,
Bringing treats to eat.

Let’s Have Some Ice Cream Now
(Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)

Let’s all have some ice cream now,
Ice cream now, ice cream now.
Let’s all have some ice cream now,
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!

Ice Cream Flavors
(Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It)

If you like vanilla ice cream, clap your hands (clap, clap)
If you like vanilla ice cream, clap your hands (clap, clap)
If you like vanilla ice cream, if you like vanilla ice cream,
If you like vanilla ice cream, clap your hands (clap, clap)
(Repeat with other flavors)

Five Little Ice Cream Cones

(Count down from five to one – start with holding up 5 fingers)
Five little ice cream cones sitting in a shop.
Each came with lots of sprinkles on the top.
Along came (child’s name) with a penny to pay.
And they bought an ice cream and took it away.

Ice Cream, Ice Cream Clap

(Clap hands to the rhythm)
Ice cream, ice cream, what a treat!
Ice cream, ice cream, can’t be beat!
Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry too!
Ice cream, ice cream, I love you!

Ice Cream Scoops

(Hold up fingers for counting)
One scoop, two scoops, three scoops, four,
We all want ice cream, let’s have some more.
Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry, too,
We all love ice cream, how about you?

Also check out these videos for more ideas:

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