preschool chemistry

Preschool Chemistry Fun

Preschool chemistry experiments are a fun and engaging to help young children learn about basic chemical principles. Here are some simple chemistry experiments suitable for preschoolers.

Of course, always make sure to supervise preschoolers during these experiments…making sure children don’t eat non-edible materials, etc. Also, explain the basic science behind each experiment in simple terms to help kids understand what’s happening.

Looking for more science ideas?
Take The Super Science Center Online class.

Rainbow in a Jar

Mix food coloring with different liquids of varying densities, such as honey, dish soap, water, vegetable oil, and rubbing alcohol. 

Slowly pour each liquid into a larger jar. Start with honey, followed by dish soap, water, olive oil and rubbing alcohol. Watch as the liquids form distinct layers due to their different densities, creating a “rainbow” effect.

Science Concept: Density

Fizzy Painting

Mix baking soda with water to create a paste. Use the paste as “paint” and apply it to a sheet of paper.  Let children use pipettes or a brush to drip vinegar onto the paste, which will create colorful fizzy reactions and unique patterns.

Science Concept: Chemical Reactions

Gummy Bear Osmosis

Place gummy bears in cups of various liquids (water, salt water, sugar water) and observe how they change in size and shape.  Have children make predictions as to what will happen to each gummy bear.  Allow gummy bears to be in the liquids for at least 12 hours.

Science Concept: Osmosis

DIY Lava Lamp

Fill a tall jar or bottle with 2 parts vegetable oil. and 1 part water. The water and oil will separate, and the oil will eventually end up at the top of water. Add a few drops of food coloring and then drop an Alka-Seltzer tablet in the mixture.  The lava lamp will come to life!

Science Concept: Density, Chemical Reactions

Fizzing Ice Cubs

Fill an ice cube tray with a mixture of water, baking soda, and food coloring. Once frozen, pop out the ice cubes into a bin or tray.  If it is nice outside, the ice cubes can also be used on a sidewalk or driveway. Add vinegar to a squirt bottle or pipettes. Allow children to spray or drop vinegar onto the ice cubes and watch them fizz.

Science Concept: Chemical Reactions

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