Working as a child care teacher is one of the most important jobs out there. However, it can also be stressful at times. When you are starting to become stressed, here are some stress relievers that you can do while you are in the child care environment. These tips are in addition to making sure you get plenty of sleep, eat well, exercise, and carve out time just for you.
Palm Writing: Take a deep breath and trace the word CALM on your palm several times.
Keep a Positive Paper: Keep a piece of paper nearby, and when feeling negative and stressed, write at least one positive thing about your day (or one of your children).
Dance Party: Turn on some fun music and invite the children to dance with you. Dance that stress away!
Color: Grab a coloring book and crayons. Coloring is a great stress reliever.
Laugh: Find a funny YouTube video (that is also appropriate for small children). Play it for yourself and the kids and laugh! Try: Funny Vines Try Not To Laugh series.
Strike a pose: Do some yoga. Have the kids join in. Get some kid-friendly yoga poses at Childhood 101.
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