Popcorn Activities

Fine Motor Popcorn Activities for Young Children

Popcorn is a popular preschool theme in October and November.  October is National Popcorn Popping Month and popcorn is a popular Thanksgiving treat for November.  Here are some fine motor popcorn activities that you can incorporate in your learning environment.

Popcorn Letter Practice

This fun writing tray uses just a few simple materials and comes together in no time at all!

To make a popcorn writing tray of your own, you’ll need:

  • Unpopped popcorn kernels
  • A shallow tray or dish
  • A marker or pencil (optional)
  • Printed Letters

Pour a small number of popcorn kernels into a tray.  Give children a marker or pencil that they can use to write their letters, or let them simply use their finger.

Source: fromabcstoacts.com

Popcorn Painting

Paint with popped corn by having children hold a piece of popcorn and dip into a thin tray of paint.  You can also glue popcorn to the end of a stick, brush, straw, etc.

Source: preschool-plan-it.com

Popcorn Counting

Provide a bowl of popcorn and some fine motor tweezers.  Set up popcorn boxes with a number on the front.  Have children use tweezers to pick up popcorn one by one and place the corresponding number of popcorn in each bag (ie. place eight pieces of popcorn in the bag with the number 8.

Popcorn Patterning

Create patterns by gluing popcorn and popcorn kernels on strips of paper.  Have children finish the patterns with popcorn and kernels.  For variety, you can use regular popcorn and cheese popcorn.


Click to Download Pattern Printable

Popcorn Measuring

Print out our Popcorn Measuring Sheet and make copies.  Have children find the items listed in the room, and measure each item by lining up pieces of popcorn next to the item. They can count the pieces of popcorn and write in the number.

Click to Download Measuring Printable

Why is it important to help children develop their fine motor skills?

Improving children’s dexterity will help them be able to write, pick up items, hold books, and much more. Finding fun ways for children to develop their fine motor skills is an important part of your job as a caretaker or early childhood teacher. Activities such as the ones included in this article are great ways to bring fine motor practice into the classroom without letting children know that’s what they’re working on as they play and create. (Source: Kaplan Early Learning Company)

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