
24 Random Acts of Kindness for the Preschool Classroom

Getting preschoolers to do nice and kind things for others is a great way to teach the concept of kindness.  Talk to children about what it means to be kind to others.  Talk about how it feels when someone is kind to them.   Brainstorm ways to be kind to others and make a list.

Here are 24 random acts of kindness that you can enforce in your preschool  environment.

  • Tell someone in the class something that you like about them.
  • Help a friend clean up what they are playing with.
  • Open the door for your friends on the way outside.
  • Say hello to someone you haven’t talked to today.
  • Let a friend go first in a game.
  • Bring in a food item to donate to the food pantry.
  • Draw a picture for someone in a nursing home.
  • Make a card for someone in the hospital.
  • Bring in clothes that you outgrew to donate to a clothing drive.
  • Write a letter to a grandparent, aunt or uncle that you haven’t seen in a while.
  • Play with someone new today.
  • Tell someone “Thank you.”
  • Smile at someone.
  • Help your teacher clean up after snack time.
  • Let someone go ahead of you in line.
  • Throw away garbage that you see.
  • Bring in a toy that you don’t play with any more to donate to a shelter or Goodwill.
  • High five a friend.
  • Write a nice note to a friend.
  • Take a treat to the director/owner.
  • Tell someone a funny joke.
  • Give your teacher a compliment.
  • Write a thank you note to the local police station.
  • Make “Be Happy” notes and pass them out to everyone.

Download a free printable with these Random Acts of Kindness.  You can cut and laminate them into cards and have children pick a card to complete.  Click Here to get your download.



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