Gingerbread Rhyme

Gingerbread Rhyme Time

“The Gingerbread Man” is a great story for kids to practice rhyming.  Here are some creative and educational ideas to emphasize rhyming with a gingerbread theme:

Gingerbread Rhyme Toss:

Create gingerbread man cutouts with a word on each cutout. (>>DOWNLOAD 6 SAMPLE CUTOUTS<<)  Lay them on the floor and have children toss a small beanbag.  Whichever gingerbread man that the bean bag lands on (or closest to), encourage the child to name another word that rhymes with the word on the cutout.  (Example: Beanbag lands on “pan”, so child may say “can,” “man,” “fan,” etc.






Gingerbread Circle Pass:

Have children sit in a circle, and pass a gingerbread man (stuffed animal, cutout, etc.) around like they are playing hot potato.  Play some holiday music, and when the music stops, the child with the gingerbread man gets a word (either verbally from a teacher or pick a word card out of a holiday gift bag).  They must try to name another word that rhymes with the word they got.

Rhyme List Brainstorm:

As a group, create brainstorm lists of rhyming words related to words in the story, “The Gingerbread Man.”  For example, under “run,” you can list words like “fun,” “bun,” and “sun.” This exercise reinforces the concept of rhyming and expands the children’s vocabulary.  Other word to try are: MAN, FAST, DOG, CROW, FOX.  What other words can you think of?

Gingerbread Men Action Rhyme:

Gingerbread Rhyming Mats:

This is a cute activity from A Dab of Glue Will Do.  Download the gingerbread rhyming cards. Children will choose a card and then sort through all of the gumdrops, looking for pictures that rhyme with the main image on the gingerbread man.






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